Monday, December 22, 2008

Since I feel like things have changed since the last time I did this and I feel like I have grown the know about these specific people even more I will do my "letters to you" again. Without any names whatsoever. Sorry, you will have to just decide for yourself, you may not even be on this.

1. There is nothing much to say about you particularly, because I don't want to flood out the past, and you're gone. You're not here. You haven't been here. (this is obvious who it is.) But really, what can I say about a....ghost? Believe me I really don't want to think of you like that, I just want you to come home. You are/were the light in my life. Like really the happiest person I knew/know. You smiled because you actually felt happy. A lot of my friends now just seem to smile because like a picture is being taken or they don't even smile at all. You were/are so positive. But you're not here. You're not.

2. I feel bad about whenever you honestly, truely are angry with me. I know I am an awful bestfriend but I am glad you are mine. I hope I'm not too bad to you. Because I just love you, I think you're great and the people who don't like you bother me. I hate everyone who makes you upset, which I guess can a lot of the times can be me. But I do honestly want to hurt anyone that has ever hurt you, I want to share your hate for them and tear them apart. I hate it when you are upset hate it hate it hate it. But you, you're such a good person and you are better than me in a lot of ways. You're so weird and annoying and it's perfect you're like my own....personal....little.....hobbit? I don't know something nice that is stupid and annoying but you will just always love it. Because you are my bestfriend and I, for once, want to keep it that way. You don't bug me ever. You don't actually annoy me. I find you wonderful. 

3. How could I possibly have these strong intense feelings for you? After everything we have been through how could I not? You are so amazing and I don't even deserve you, You have crushed me, broken my heart or at least close to it. You put me in such, extreme pain I didn't know how I would ever recover. But you still manage to get me to love you and to want you and to need you in my every day life. I feel like I wouldn't be able to live correctly if you weren't in my life. I would die without you it feels. I constantly think about you and think about us and day dream of years from now and us still being together. But will any of that really happen? It's been four months and I still don't even know what might even happen next month. I never know. I can't tell what stupid mistakes we both may make. We are so young, we shouldn't even have these feelings and act the way we do with each other. But maybe we aren't too young, maybe this is real.

4. Sometimes you just bug me so much, but you can always make me smile, you can always make me laugh. I could never actually be mad at you because you just make me happy. Even when I just see you everything seems a teeny bit better. You said the other day why I always laugh at you. Well that's because you just make me feel good. It's not that you are funny because sometimes you are just embarrassing it's like you make me feel so good that the only thing I can possibly do is laugh! You are just as selfish as I am and don't even try to think otherwise. You are an extremely nice person and everyone knows that, that's why you have so many friends. But you do keep to yourself a lot and sometimes it is hard to figure you out when you won't tell me certain things that may be bugging you. You are an amazing friend though. Regardless of your problem with letting people know how you feel.

5. I can't help but still have feelings for you, they aren't real feelings, there is just a small spot in my heart that is just for you. I do hate it that you don't really care about me and you probably never really did. But I guess I really didn't care strongly for you either. We were objects to each other. But we did get along well after our "relationship" ended. You were there for me in certain cases when I did really need you. And I am so thankful for that and for you. No matter how much of an asshole you are to me I will still just like you. Because everything else aside you do have something from me that I can never ever give to anyone else. And although it probably shouldn't have been for you it was for you. And there is no way to change that.

6. I think that we have grown so much closer over this year that we have been friends, you are such an amazing person that it's hard not to like you. I mean everyone does like you. And you are so modest you will read this and think No, not everyone likes me. And I like that about you because you will honestly believe that. The thing about you is that you won't let anyone change your mind. You will ask for advice and most of the times you won't take it. You will do and say things that happen right in the moment and won't think of any thing past that. You live directly in the moment and that works for you. You are such a good friend and it really is easy to talk to you when it's just you. You have helped me a lot over this year with many different things. And I am sure you will help more.

7. It is weird that I still do feel close with you. We haven't seen each other since summer. But I still feel like we are connected. I feel like if I had the chance I would talk to you and tell you that I wish things were like they were back in summer because you were my bestfriend and I hated it when we stopped being friends. You were just such a strong person but you gradually softened up. I know that it will probably never be the same between us ever again because of all the "hate" that we had for each other but sometimes I think that we could work out all our unspoken problems. You are still a big part of my life.

8. I sometimes wish that I could forget all about you. To not have these such strong feelings for you still, after years of torture. You have hurt me time after time but for some stupid reason I still keep coming back for me. I don't even know why I do have feelings for you. I question that every time I start thinking about you, about how we might be if we ever had something real. Instead of a short talking period of you saying stuff that makes me think that it might just work this time. I know it won't. It never has, you give me false hope and I still don't know how to get you out of my head. I don't know when I will ever be truely over you. Right, I am able to love someone else, so why in the world are you still in head and in my heart? Why do you have to be there? I know it will never work out. And that is hard to deal with because we both know it would be great. But you don't try. And it just pisses me off to no end. 

9. I miss the old you. I love you but you have changed so drastically it's unbearable. You used to be one of my happy friends. Always happy, but something happened to you. I remember that week that you cried almost every time we hung out and no one knew why. You did a lot of stupid things and everything was so difficult for you and you shut your friends out. Sometimes I do see the happy, real side of you but it's hardly ever. I love that side of you. It makes me happy and I hate it when you are sad. It some what hurts to see you crying. And I see it so much. I see you upset or angry or just blank more than I see you happy and smiling and laughing. It's...sad.


kc said...

1. Luke :/

2. Juan Uribe. Just kidding. Katy Conti. ps. I don't think you are a bad best friend and you don't make me hurt don't worry. Only when you hit me but that is just physical pain so it doesn't really matter.

3. Marco San Filippo

4. Kyle Holden

5. Kyler Sullada??????

6. Anabel Englund

7. Alissa

8. Kyle Sullada again????

9. Hailey Quilter

Anabel said...

i love you so much hayley, i don't know if that one is about me but if it is thank you and i love you.


kc said...

Two days ago I was in the shower and realized that the one I thought was about Salad was actually about Jason. Not two about Salad. I forgot to tell you I realized that though.